Friday, 23 January 2015

Day 1 of Sertraline

I took my first dose of sertraline almost immediately after picking up my prescription from the pharmacy. That would put it at around 11am, although I was too anxious to be checking the time.

I was relieved that the doctor's appointment was over. I was giddy, this put me in a great mood. I was quite happily riding the high from the adrenaline my anxiety produced. Soon after taking my first dose I started to feel nauseous. I had plans to go out for lunch, but decided that I would not be able to eat anything.

As I was heading home I could feel in the back of my mind that I was feeling anxious, but I was too busy riding the high to pay it any mind. Turns out that nausea makes travel sickness worse. What joy!

After a few hours at home the high died down and I started to feel down. It wasn't too bad, but I was keeping my mind preoccupied. When I thought about my plans for tomorrow I became extremely anxious, more anxious than normal.

And now I am sat typing this with jittery legs, lots of anxiety, and feeling pretty depressed about that. I'm wondering if I should even take tomorrow's dose. I probably will. I see a prescription as a rule, breaking rules makes me horribly anxious. So, I'll take my next dose tomorrow morning and write about it later in the day, or maybe on sunday. I guess we'll see.

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