Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Concentration is a fine antidote to anxiety.

The University of the West of England has developed an app called Self-help for Anxiety Management (SAM) that is available on ios and android.
The home screen.
From the self help screen, you can add activities to your anxiety toolkit (as shown on the home screen) to bring all the things you find helpful into one place.
Self-help screen
The screen for help with anxiety NOW is a list of activities that the creators feel are helpful when you most need it.
Anxiety NOW screen

The sliders for measuring how your anxiety is are interesting because there does not appear to be any numerical value to them. That often means that how I rate my anxiety is not how I am actually feeling, and is usually chosen in relation to what I have previously chosen.

How is my anxiety? TOO DAMN HIGH

I have found that the list of what makes me anxious incredibly helpful, as the biggest step for me at the moment is identifying what it is that makes me anxious. I am in the process of writing down what makes me anxious as I encounter them so that I can try and tackle them.
Screen for things that make me anxious.
All in all, I have found this app helpful so far. My favourite activity is picture peace. 10/10 would app again. 

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